Monday, February 16, 2009

Presto Pasta Night 100 !!!

For those of you who don't know, I AM A PASTA ADDICT! You will discover after following my blog for a while (although I do try to give a variety of dishes for you all of course). I remember my parents telling me I'd turn into a noodle one day. Well, it hasn't happened yet but perhaps I wouldn't be surprised! haha!
I just wanted to let you all know the post for the 100th Presto Pasta Night is ready for your viewing here! So many delicious dishes. Add yours in any time if you'd like. It's done weekly, which I think is great not having to impatiently wait around too long to read everyones next recipes and ideas :)
Here's the info for this weeks Roundup

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

pasta is such a versatile dish, isn't it... i don't even have to wonder why you're addicted to it... :) thanks for stopping by... :)